PISCES Regional Conference - Manchester


Thank you to everyone who registered their interest in the PISCES events scheduled for 5 and 12 March in Birmingham and Manchester.

Unfortunately, as of 28 February 2025, we have had to postpone the two events. We shall reschedule for later in the year and details will be announced closer to the time.

Please accept our sincere apologies

The Esop Centre team.

Following on from the success of our September event in London on the Private Intermittent Securities and Capital Exchange System – PISCES - the Centre is teaming up with Corpgro and PwC again for two further sessions on PISCES.

The second one is on Wednesday, 12 March 2025, at PwC's offices in Manchester.

The event will be relevant to companies and advisers who are interested in learning more about PISCES - the new intermittent trading platform for private companies - including valuations, disclosures and reward & employee equity considerations.


  • Background to PISCES, PISCES overview, current consultation, practicalities - Speaker - Tom Simmons - London Stock Exchange.
  • Valuations and disclosure considerations in the context of PISCES - Speakers - Rebecca Clayton, Jonny Rodwell, Jonathan Raggatt – PwC.
  • Reward and employee equity in the context of PISCES - Speakers - Damian Carnell -Corpgro, Andrew Nealey – PwC.

The event will be chaired by Robert Pay, Chairman, Esop Centre

To register please email events@esopcentre.com stating which date you wish to register for.

If you have any enquiries please contact louise.cope@pwc.com.

The Centre thanks PwC for hosting the events.

LSEG PwC Corpgro logos

By registering, you submit your information to the event organisers, who will use it to communicate with you regarding this event and their other services. Your registration information will also be shared with the event sponsor PwC.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

13:00 - 15:00 GMT


ESOP No Background

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  • Six Speakers
    London Stock Exchange Group; Corpgro; PwC