Launch Of Global Financial Centres Index 37
GFCI Launch

The Global Financial Centres Index has been tracking the development of the world’s financial centres since 2007 and is the authoritative guide to financial centre success.

In this webinar, Z/Yen will formally launch the 37th edition of the index.


09:00 Introduction & Welcome – Hugh Morris

09:05 GFCI 37 Results - Mike Wardle, CEO, Z/Yen Group

09:20 Commentary - Hugh Morris

09:25 Q&A

09:45 Close


Mike Wardle is CEO and the Head Of Indices for Z/Yen, managing work on the development and delivery of the Global Financial Centres Index, Global Green Finance Index, and Smart Centres Index. Mike worked as a civil servant for almost 20 years mostly within the field of education policy. He was a director and then Chief Executive of the General Social Care Council, establishing the regulation of social workers. Mike's career moved into consultancy, programme management and coaching and he worked with Z/Yen for six years delivering programme management services to the Church of England, Unison, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, and Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust before taking up his current role.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

9:00 - 9:45 GMT


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  • Mike Wardle Colour
    Mike Wardle
    CEO & Head Of Indices
    Z/Yen Group
  • Hugh_Morris_emailcompressed
    Hugh Morris
    Senior Research Partner
    Z/Yen Group